Why Compile?

What makes a person change jobs? Let alone change jobs when the old one is ok? And why Compile?

From the very beginning, it has been important for us to find the right kind of people to join our work community: people whose skills complement each other and who are interested in listening to each other’s stories. Now that our team has grown, we wanted to know what has drawn our people in and how they feel now. Instead of guessing, we asked our people, and this is what we got.

What motivated you to leave?

The size. The desire to work in a manageable-sized work community, instead of an IT giant. Compile also continues to grow, but we know which way we don’t want to go.

Awkward processes. One-size-fits-all isn’t really suitable for all occasions and all customers. If the same bureaucracy is applied to everything, we risk to lose sensible way of working.

What were your doubts?

Corporate culture. Is it worth switching from one consultancy company to another? And how would it feel to go from one extreme to another – from a giant company to a compact-sized growth company?

Income level. A professional knows his worth.

Commute to work. Can you avoid the West Metro?

Getting stuck. The good thing about consulting is the versatility. Would you get stuck doing the same thing in a smaller company?

What convinced you?

The size. The compact size feels nice to someone who is used to working a big company.

Corporate culture. When the management handles the recruitment, both parties can immediately talk about what is important.

Job description. Compile offers interesting customers in interesting industries. We’ll try to find the right people for the right projects: what’s uninteresting to one can be incredibly interesting to another.

Competence development. We talk about this right away: what do you want to learn and where to develop?

Making an impact. Do you find it fascinating to get involved in something that’s being developed? Do you want to make an impact on what becomes of the company and its operating methods?

How do you feel now?

Simplicity. “Expectations that things will be handled smoothly in a solution-oriented way in a small company have been fulfilled.” However, for someone who is accustomed to strict limits and instructions, their absence may seem strange. (Of course, we follow the customer’s instructions and processes.)

Right priorities. “A job for an grown up.” There’s nothing wrong with coffee machines, bouncy castles and huge parties, but at the end of the day, do you want a nursery or a job?

Appreciation. “I haven’t felt as appreciated for a long time: both the employer and the customer find the things I do and the way I think meaningful and interesting.” We’re going to hold on to this.


What would you add to the list? What do you dream about, what are you afraid of, what do you expect?

Tuntuuko, että...

 …teidän softakehitystiimissä sekä palautteen antaminen että vastaanottaminen on vaikeaa?

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    Kun tilaat oppaan, liityt samalla uutiskirjeemme tilaajaksi, ja saat lisää inhimillisen johtamisen vinkkejä. Voit poistua listalta koska vain.

    the eNPS calculation is based on the Employee Net Promoter Score formula developed by Fred Reichheld, which was originally used to study the customer experience and customer satisfaction of companies. Lately, it has also been used to research employee satisfaction (e as in employee + NPS).

    This is how the calculation is performed.

    We ask our employees once a year, “How likely are you to recommend your workplace to friends or acquaintances on a scale of 0 to 10?” Then we ask for clarification with an open question: “Why did you submit this score?”.

    Those who submit a score of 9 or 10 are called promoters. Those who submit a score from 0 to 6 are called detractors.

    The eNPS result is calculated by subtracting the relative percentage of detractors from the relative percentage of promoters. Other answers are allocated a score of 0.

    The calculation results can be anything from -100 to +100. Results between +10 and +30 are considered to be good, and results above +50 are considered to be excellent.