Sustainable software development.
Just bullsh*t?
No, but exceptional
added value for your business.

This is how we do it.
100+ Compile employees whose well-being is a top priority for us. That’s why the number of our annual sick days is only 1/3 of the industry average.
Companies in the industry celebrate with an eNPS rating of over 30 for employee satisfaction. For us, it’s 60.
Clients’ opinion of us from December. Our consultants’ wellbeing converts into top-class coding skills and, thereby, benefits your business.
Customers right now. Many of several years’ standing. When listed companies are looking for a sustainable partner, they give us a call.
Don't mess it up now.
In the 2020s, digitalising business is a matter of life and death for companies. You can do it well, or you can mess it up. When you partner with us in software consulting and development, we make sure that your business continues to be sustainable – both economically and technologically.

Sustainable software development offers huge benefits to our customers. But don't just believe me. Explore the benefits for yourself.
Jari Hakulinen, Account Manager
These 2 things distinguish us from the competition

One question
business model
Years ago, we made an exciting discovery. When with each business decision, you ask whether or not it improves employee satisfaction, and then only choose the affirmative decisions, the result is a higher quality of work and exceptional customer satisfaction.

Unique customer care model
Does this sound familiar: the salesman promised you the moon, made a deal, and then disappeared from the project? The coders tried to salvage the situation, but didn’t highlight the problems in time. Until the whole thing got out of hand and the client ended up paying. Unbearable, isn’t it? Fortunately, there is another way.
Our customers