Human sustainability

Human sustainability is the single most important foundation for sustainable software development. Human sustainability refers to the continuous, life-long development and wellbeing of the individual and lays the foundations for four other areas. 

Our goal is to keep our customer satisfaction high, and that can only be done if our employees are satisfied. We aim to ensure the satisfaction and well-being of our employees, especially by the following components: 

  • continuous development of skills
  • interesting and appropriately challenging customer projects
  • an entrepreneurial culture that supports the individual; and
  • a competitive and fair remuneration for the work, which enables everyone to have a decent everyday life. 


Skilled employees enable the execution of technically sustainable and long-term cost-effective solutions. The developers’ skills should, therefore, be at a level where they not only concentrate on the job at hand, but are also capable and interested in thinking about the sustainability of technologies and architecture in the coming years. What we know now will not be enough in the coming years, which is why we are investing heavily in the continuous development of competence. Most people are naturally motivated by development and related goals. 

Skilled, professional colleagues who you can learn from and who are able to help out in different situations also play an important role. Software development projects always involve some level of challenge, and we must have the courage to talk to the customer about them at an early stage. Our task as a company is to support our consultants in their own work, for example by keeping a continuous dialogue with the customer about the progress of the project in the steering groups. 

In our opinion, one of the basic pillars of a good employment relationship is that when you require a lot from the developers in terms of competence and attitude, you must also be prepared to pay generous compensation for it. A good salary enables everyone to have the life they desire and helps them to balance work and free time.

the eNPS calculation is based on the Employee Net Promoter Score formula developed by Fred Reichheld, which was originally used to study the customer experience and customer satisfaction of companies. Lately, it has also been used to research employee satisfaction (e as in employee + NPS).

This is how the calculation is performed.

We ask our employees once a year, “How likely are you to recommend your workplace to friends or acquaintances on a scale of 0 to 10?” Then we ask for clarification with an open question: “Why did you submit this score?”.

Those who submit a score of 9 or 10 are called promoters. Those who submit a score from 0 to 6 are called detractors.

The eNPS result is calculated by subtracting the relative percentage of detractors from the relative percentage of promoters. Other answers are allocated a score of 0.

The calculation results can be anything from -100 to +100. Results between +10 and +30 are considered to be good, and results above +50 are considered to be excellent.